




Ph.D. in linguistics, Department of Linguistics, University of Southern California (1991-1995) 


台灣語言學學會   第十二屆理事長   2021年11月 ~2023年11月
台灣語言學學會理事    2020年01月 ~2022年11月
台灣語言學學會理事    2014年01月 ~2016年12月
2013年08月 ~2016年07月

  句法學 / 中英句法理論 / 焦點結構介面研究
Syntax, Chinese Syntax
  1. 徐淑瑛、周復初、王世平。(2023)。〈漢譯聖經之分段標題研 究:以《恢復本》為例〉。《臺灣宗教研究》。22.1:1-54。(THCI)
  2. 周復初、徐淑瑛、王世平。(2020)。〈漢譯聖經書名的演變〉。《亞太跨學科翻譯研究》。Vol. 9: 138-152 [Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary Translation Studies]. ISBN 978-7-5085-4508-0 http://www.cacsec.com/index.php/Media/view/id/211.html
  3. Shyu, Shu-ing (2nd author), with Yu-Fang Wang* (1st author), Wayne Schams, and Hsun-Chen Chen. (2020). Mandarin Chinese buguo (‘but’) as a metacoherence marker in TV/radio interview talks. Language and Linguistics 21.1: 104-144. (AHCI) 
  4. Shyu, Shu-ing. (2018). The Scope of EVEN: Evidence from Mandarin Chinese. Language and Linguistics 19.1: 156-195. (AHCI) MOST 105-2410-H-110 -051
  5. .Shyu, Shu-ing*, and Tsung-lin Tung. (2018). Mandarin Wh-phrases and Prosody. Studies in Prosodic Grammar 3.2: 32-76. Beijing Language and Culture University Press. 
  6. Shyu, Shu-ing. (2016). Minimizers and EVEN. Linguistics 54.6: 1355-1395. (AHCI/SSCI) MOST 103-2410-H-110 -035. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/ling-2016-0031
(B) 專書論文
  1. Shyu, Shu-ing, and Lio̍k-san N̂g. (2022). Non-veridicality of KaN. Andrew Simpson (ed.). New Explorations in Chinese Theoretical Syntax. Studies in Honor of Yen-Hui Audrey Li, pp. 479-508. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  2. 徐淑瑛、周復初、王世平。(2022)。言談話題、連貫性與綱目標題--以約翰壹書為例。王韻、周復初、劉遠見主編,儆醒預備;2021華人基督教之本土與全球發展研討會論文集,41-67頁。台北市:橄欖出版有限公司。ISBN: 9786269662739    
  3. 羅晟、周復初、徐淑瑛(第三作者)、王世平。(2020)。聖經修辭格在譯本中的能譯與不能譯:以約翰壹書二章17-28節為例。郭承天、周復初、張證豪主編,向下扎根,向上結果,59-90頁。台北市:政大出版社。ISBN: 9789869882163
  4. .王萸芳、謝妙玲、徐淑瑛(第三作者)。(2020)。論英語、日語和韓語為母語的華語學習者「都」的習得。華語文教學理論與實務,211-236頁。聯經出版社。ISBN: 9789570854749
  5. Shyu, Shu-ing. (2016). Information Structure. In Chu-Ren Huang and Dingxu Shi (eds.). A Reference Grammar of Chinese, pp. 518-576. Cambridge University Press. (Partially supported by NSC 100-2410-H-110 -042).
  6. Shyu, Shu-ing. (2016). Shi…de. In Rint Sybesma, Wolfgang Behr, Gu Yueguo, Zev Handel, C.-T. James Huang, James Myers (eds.). Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics, pp. 40-46. Brill Publisher. (NSC 102-2410-H-110-027)


  1. Shyu, Shu-ing. 2022/10/22. Shi: assertion and modality. Paper presented at the 14th Workshop on Formal Syntax and Semantics (FOSS-14). National Taiwan University.
  2. Shyu, Shu-ing. 2022/9/3. Scalar proximity and approximative adverbs in Mandarin Chinese. 玉山語言學沙龍. National Taiwan Normal University.
  3. Shyu, Shu-ing (first author), Fu-Chu Chou, Shih-ping Wang. 2022. Annotating Headings in Chinese Translations of Bible: A Study of Luke 15 and Ephesians 1: 1~14. Paper presented in the International Conference on Translation, Literature, and Publishing in Chinese Christianities, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom. 2022/1/4~7.
  4. 徐淑瑛,周復初,王世平. 2021. Section Headings in 1 John。「第六屆華人基督教之本土與全球發展—疫情下的教導、關懷與宣教學術研討會」(2021/11/12~13)。國立政治大學華人宗教研究中心。
  5. Shyu, Shu-ing. 2020. Approximative adverbs in Mandarin Chinese and scalarity. Paper presented at the 13rd Workshop on Formal Syntax and Semantics (FOSS-13). Academia Sinica. Oct. 16th -17th.
  6. Shyu, Shu-ing. 2019. Minimizers and Scale. Poster paper presented at The 12th International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics [第12屆國際理論東亞語言學會議]. 7/9-10. University of Macau, Macau. 
  7. Shyu, Shu-ing. 2019. Diminishers and Scale. Paper presented at The 32nd JLAO Paris meeting on East Asian Linguistics [第32屆巴黎東亞語言學會議]. 6/27~29. Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales, Paris. 
  8. 徐淑瑛,周復初,王世平. 2019. 〈聖經翻譯與標題綱目標註〉.「第五屆現代中國本土基督教神學之發展:中國神學的方法與應用」(2019/5/10~11).國立政治大學
  9. 周復初,王世平,徐淑瑛. 2019.〈漢譯聖經中對以弗所書中的交錯配列法之翻譯〉.「第五屆現代中國本土基督教神學之發展:中國神學的方法與應用」(2019/5/10~11).國立政治大學.