
Crossing : Travel,Art,literature,prolitics

書名 Crossing : Travel,Art,literature,prolitics
作者 Rudolphus Teeuwen
定價 300元
頁數 300頁
ISBN Crossing : Travel,Art,literature,prolitics
裝訂方式 平裝
初版日期 2001/12/01
Acknowledgments v
Preface : Francisk.H.So vii
Introduction : The Ends of Travel-the Argument from Satire Rundolphus Teeuwen 1
Maps,Traffic, and representation:The Iberian Pacific in the Sixteenth Century Mdrcedes Maroto Camino 31
The Voice of Experience and the Weight of Tradition:Images of China in Swedish Travel writing,1749-1791 Kenneht Nyberg 55
"Birds without Song, flowers without Smell":british Travelers, American Nature, Democracy, and the Politics ofTravel Joseph Eaton 77
George Psalmanazar : Imposter, Traveler
Michael Keecak 91
Theodor Dreiser and Emily Post : The Early Road Book as an Economic Andrew S.Gross 105
Homeward Bound: Australian Literary Travels in Asia Robin Gerster 121
Travel, War, and the Sureness of Taste: Paul Fussell against Modernity
To Leave or Not to Leave ? : The Concept of Departure in Music GEORGE B. STAUFFER 151
Art and Politics: The Political Dimension in Ming / Qing Youji Writing MARION EGGERT 167
Refugees and Space Travelers in Asian-in-American Writing SHIRLEY GEOK-LIN LIM 189
Travel Writing and Cultural Interpretation: Chiang Yee's Silent Traveller Books and His American Experience DA ZHENG 211
"I Do Not Mind Placing Myself in a Melting Pot So Long As I Do Not Get Boiled:" Mutual Authentication of the "Silent Traveller" and the American Landscape SU-CHING HUANG 233
Imagining Travel after Feminist Ethnography: Accounting for "Sex" at National Borders
Salman Rushdie's Magical Journey Through Kashmir: Haroun and the Sea of Stories, (Post-)coloniality, and the Fairy Tale ERICK.W. YU 277
Notes on Contributors 297
